Monday, October 13, 2008


God has so blessed me with such wonderful children. My oldest son is 21 and in the Army, married and has two little precious children of his own. My middle son is only six, yet he acts so much older than he is. He loves to play outside and thinks school is the best thing ever [well, on most days]. LOL. My youngest, and finally a little girl, is three and is as active of a child I have had. She is non-stop movement from the get-go.

I miss my oldest very much - currently stationed in Lousiana. Yet, I am so very proud of him. His service and dedictation to his country and family is overwhelming. He does both so very well. I am so thankful for e-mail and cell phones. Technology may have its downfalls, but in my life - those are two of the best. Keeps him and his family so very close.

My middle child truly loves the Lord. He can tell you a Bible story like you have never heard. He is so animated and his eyes just positively sparkle. He memorizes his scripture verses and holds them so close. He is learning to read and is so eager to learn all those BIG words so he can read his Bible all by himself.

My youngest, my little princess, is in love with both her older brothers and so tries to keep up with both of them. And church, well she thinks she is to be there every single day. She wakes up asking if it is time to go to church..but she settles for pre-k. She still learns about God every day at school and that will satifsy her at times. Yet, so often she comes home ready to go to church for more.

Oh yes, God has blessed me with wonderful children. I am thankful for each and every one. I'm also so very thankful that they desire to know the Lord with all their heart, soul and mind. It's my prayer that God gives me the wisdom and knowledge to continue to train up my children in the way they should go, and when they is old they will not turn from it.

My little ones are off to slumber land as I write this, and I could sit and watch them all night. One has to fall asleep with the tv in the background and the other, well, she only falls asleep when she rubs her nose.

I could count blessings all night long. It has been such a struggle to get through today, but my heart overflows when I pause and think of all that I have been blessed with by such a loving Father.

I thank Him also for my loving husband, my family, those very special friends in my life that are there, sometimes even before I have even realized how much I needed them at that moment, my job, my fun-loving dogs that provide endless love and entertainment. Oh yes, there is plenty more, but for now I will stop.

Have you counted your blessings today? Good days or those days that are a little harder to get through never lay your head down at night without thanking our Heavenly Father for all that He has given you. Your days will be so much brighter and you slumber so much sweeter.

In His Love,


1 comment:

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Today is my husband's birthday, and I'm indeed counting my blessings. You are also blessed in that since you have "launched" one child and still have two at home, you are probably more cognizant of how fleeting time is concerning their growth. It's all bittersweet, isn't it? Thanks for your comment at IC today. It meant a lot to me.