Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Year in Review - 2008

As I sit and think of all the wonderful things that have come to pass this year, there are too many write about. I'd be here all evening and probably miss the new year coming in at midnight. Yet, for all these things, I am grateful and completely realize how truly blessed I really am.

From being able to ring in the year of 2008 with all of my family here at my home, especially Adam and his new family, to friendships that are new and the ones that have only gotten closer and dearer to me, to watching my little ones grow and mature, to a niece receiving her driver's license and yet another niece receiving her learner's license. I am so very thankful that I still have both of my parents as this year draws to a close and also thankful fewer deaths of those that I love and hold dear.

Yes, there were more trials and hardships than I wanted but I know those were for a purpose too. And, though I am so very certain that I truly complained well about each and every one of them, I know that had I not gone through those I wouldn't be where I am right now. Eagerly anticipating what God is going to do in my life and the lives of my family.

I have also watched friends and family struggle through this year, yes I wish those hadn't happened as well, but I am so happy to say that they have endured well and continue to see the blessings and miracles and friendships and love that God has brought to them as well.

We had three new births this year! One in the phsyical and two in the spiritual. Now, those are truly blessings to remember.

On June 20th, my granddaughter was born. There is nothing as wonderful as a newborn baby to bring new life into a family and this world. Full of love and beautiful dark hair, she is such a precious child and I am so excited to watch her as she grows. Albeit, most of the growing I will be able to see will be through pictures and all the news her parents share, but I know God has a purpose and a plan for her life. Nothing is more fun than watching a child grow. She and her older brother are blessings in my life. Grandchildren as just SPECIAL!

On August 24, 2008, my brother accepted Christ and was baptised. This year has been a long hard journey for him, yet he never failed to see where his real strength came from. No greater testimony that that - walking through a trial and letting God pull you closer and closer to Him, until you say "Yes Lord, here I am.". Praise God.

On November 13th, my very own Master C accepted Christ as his Savior and on December 21st he completed that with baptism. Oh the tears of joy that were shed that morning.

As I sit and think of all we have been through this year, and looking forward to what is ahead, I am not worried, scared or fearful. The Lord has been faithful to us and He shall continue, I have no doubts.

I am not one to make new year resolutions, but I do have goals set for next year. Things I would like to do and achieve; people I want to get to know better and see more often; and, just live a better life. However, going into 2009 I most importantly want to do what God has set for me. To know that as I go forward I am going in His will and ways. I know I shall never be perfect, but I do pray that I continue to mature and grow in Christ.

I love you, my family, with all my heart!

I wish all of you a truly blessed and prosperous New Year. Love those in your life and hold them close.

And, as I close I will leave you with the video below. Have a


Friday, November 21, 2008

Passed and Legal

Today my niece passed her driver's test. She is now legal to drive all by herself now. [Please make note of this if you live in my little acre in God's country - LOL].

However, it started off in typical Miranda fashion. She did all she needed to do in preparation for this driving exam: practiced driving A LOT, took the driver's ed class online, kept track of her driving time. Oh yes, that's it...all that preparation and keeping track, she forgot one key element. That driver's log had to be notarized. So, guess who got a phone call waking her up from a fitful's night sleep? Uh, no...not you. Aunt Sherri...are you a notary? Yep, my sweet Miranda calling at the last minute. And, if that wasn't enough, when I went to pick her up to take a ride to get that paper notarized, she walked right out of her house without that very driver's log we needed to notarize. Think she was nervous??? No, not at all. Ha. Ha. And, though I did not love waking up, if I can really say that since I can't say I really slept, there is not one thing I wouldn't do for her.

I remember the day she got her learner's license. After a couple of tries, she nailed it. She was definitely one happy teenager. Mind you, I haven't seen an unhappy one once they got their license.

This beautiful young woman is so very dear to my heart. She has spent so much time with me over the past few years that she has truly blended and folded right in to our family that I have such a hard time remembering she isn't MY daughter. When she isn't here, I miss her terribly and so wish she was at my house all the time.

Getting her license is such a milestone and I am so proud of her. So then, why am I sad at the same time? I know that teenagers, even if she was my own, wouldn't be here all the time anyway. But, she isn't and therefore I do wonder - will she still come stay the night with me? How often will I see her? When she visits, will she stay and really visit?

Yes, I know. I am being selfish. Love isn't selfish. So, I am giving this all to the Lord. He knows how much I love her and how much she means to me. So does she. I know in my heart she will come visit and stay the night with me...but it won't be as often as it was before. And, yes, that is okay too. All children have to grow up and I am so pleased and proud to know she is growing into a responsible young person who has earned the privilege to drive.

I pray she is always safe.

I love you, Miranda!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

This morning, on our way in to school and work, Master C sang me the most beautiful song. Of course, I love the song Fingerprints of God, and by no means is Master C's version anything like the video above, however I must tell you that his version was straight from the heart and his own visual sights as we travelled into town.

He first started singing he could see the fingerprints of God in the trees, the sky, the fields, in the van, in him, and every family member and friend he could name. As he sang, he just kept adding too. Then, he'd stop and ask, "Mom, want me to sing it again?" and let me tell you, the verse would change or, maybe, he was just adding more verses.

Master C is not an acclaimed vocalist I assure you. Yet, the sound of his voice lifting up what he knows to be so awesome and wonderful totally got to me. I had a smile wider than all the oceans put together. And, by the way, you can see God's fingerprints in the ocean too!

Do you take time to see God's fingerprints around you? Take time to do that today. His fingerprints are all around us. And, for that I am so thankful. I am even more thankful for God to trust me with such a wonderful blonde headed little boy who is covered in God's fingerprints to continue to show me God's love in such amazing ways.

Friday, November 14, 2008

A sweet moment and a wonderful decision

Thursday night, November 13, 2008, my youngest son, Master C, accepted the Lord as his Savior and asked Christ to come into his heart. It was a such a sweet, tender moment. Lots of hugs and tears followed with even more praises being lifted up.

Since last year, really, Master C began wanting to ask Jesus into his heart and be baptized. So, I have tried to take the necessary time to make sure he really understands what he is wanting to do and make sure it is for all the right reasons and not because he just hears so much about it at school and church.

Today, He went before the church holding his daddy's hand and spoke to the pastor. He was so cute. I couldn't hear the conversation but he just nodded his head and his eyes sparkled. You could just see and feel the joy coming from him. They talked a bit and then the pastor prayed with Master C. When the Pastor turned him around and presented him to the church, Master C's eyes were misty. He got to stand at the front of the church and have his hand shook and received lots of hugs. Mom here, I just cried!

There is no greater JOY than having your child come to know and accept the Lord. I am blessed that two of mine have at this point and only one to go. I am confident the Princess will make her decision at the right time.

Thank you all for your prayers.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

We did it!!!

I haven't posted on here for a while and there is so much that I probably should have posted and shared. Just know, we haven't been slack or lazy - just busy.

Tonight, we finished reading the [Children's] Bible all the way through. This has been a wonderful accomplishment not only for me, but for Colin and Colleen. When I read the very last story tonight, about John's vision of the new Heaven, Colin had tears in his eyes. We just cried and laughed and are so thankful to God that we completed this goal. Next up, Colin has put in to read this Bible all the way through, all by himself. Please pray for him as he begins this journey. It's a big step for a six year old.

Prayer is something the Lord has truly began to burden my heart about. I have been reading and studying and really trying to learn the best way for ME to talk with God. We have prayertime every night before bed. God has blessed my heart hearing my children talk to Him. They are learning that it is important to have a relationship with the Lord and for them to know that He is always here for them.

Philippians 4:4-7 (The Message)
The Message (MSG)

Celebrate God all day, every day. I mean, revel in him! Make it as clear as you can to all you meet that you're on their side, working with them and not against them. Help them see that the Master is about to arrive. He could show up any minute! Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

What a day!!

Well, I must say, today was one of the worst I have had in some time. If anything else could have gone wrong at work I think I would have just cried harder. Because, yes, it was that bad it made me cry. And, you know...the devil was all over it. Bad enough things happen, but when the devil gets on your back and starts telling you all these lies, and you feed right into them because you are already weak, that is just not good.

The Son did begin to shine through the darkness when I went to pick Master C up from school. I have started reading the book, The Power of the Praying Parent by Stormie Omartian. The scriptures were just what I needed - for myself!

Master C had a wonderful day at school today and played his last soccer game tonight. I think he played his hardest game yet. I have loved watching how he has grown from not knowing what to do to getting right up in there and give it all he has.

Then, more excitement came our way but not necessary fun excitement. Sissie was trying to fix a toy for the Princess and she took a nice chunk out of her thumb with the sharpest knife I own. Oh my, it was not pretty...blood everywhere and a very pale Sissie. Her parents took her to the ER and she got a whooping six stitches. And, you should have seen Master C and the Princess go into action. We held hands and they prayed for her, each of them.

I do make a lot of mistakes and don't always do things the way they should be, but even in a bad day God so loved me that He gave me a glimpse of Himself. God is so awesome and a safe refuge for us. If we turn to Him and give Him all our cares, He will take care of them and us.


Always remember, prayer is our lifeline to God.

I'll be seeing each of you in my prayers tonight.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

A fun day

Yesterday was filled with several outings and a lot of fun. The weather was beautiful - nice and cool and lots of sunshine after a day of much needed rain.

We started off with the Princess and I heading to the bookstore and Master C and his dad heading to Lowe's. Master C's "build project" of the day was a pumpkin. That turned out great and he joined his sister and I at the bookstore. Two wonderful friends, Ms. Julie and Ms. G joined us for a morning of reading, playing and coffee!! Oh yes, we had lots of fun and great conversation.

Just a few pics of our morning...

After the bookstore, we went to lunch with Granny, Aunt Kim and Cousin K. Granny had a wonderful birthday lunch and then off to the mall for some shopping.

Then, home for an afternoon of pumpkin chosing, pumpkin carving and a good dinner. Master C didn't love digging out his pumpkin but the Princess was really into the whole process. I am thankful she didn't get ahold of the knife to cut her own face out. LOL

As you can see, they had a wonderful time and were very happy that their Sissie and Ty helped and did all the real "dirty" work.

Times like this, spending time doing something fun with all my children blesses me. I surely intend to try to make more special memories as the years go by. I know all too well that they go by way too fast.

Now, I wonder...what shall be next that we get into? Hmmm....I'll keep you posted!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Yesterday on my way home from work I saw a series of signs leading into a small town that I travel through on my way to my own small town. They were covered in American Flags and Yellow Ribbons. Some said "Welcome Home Uncle Don"; others said "Welcome Home Bubba" and others simply said "Welcome Home". There was a total of about six leading into town. I must admit, immediately upon the seeing the first sign, I cried. Tears of joy for someone I didn't know; for a family I have never met. I knew how those signs were made in love and how much that family had to have loved that service member they had missed for....who knows how long.

Those signs brought back memories for me. It was just this past September that I made signs just like those. Except, since I had travelling to where my Son flew into I couldn't post them around town. However, I did make several and held them up so high. I was so thankful and happy and proud that he was finally home. The year my son was in Iraq was one that was very hard to endure. I had so many thoughts and feelings and fears inside, but I had to be strong too. Not only for him, but for the family I still had at home. I knew in my heart he would be safe - because really, one way or another he would be. Whether the Lord brought him back to me or took him Home, the Lord was with him every step of the way: safe. But, every day I counted the days down to the day I could welcome him back home. He was my first born and I missed him so. What a joyous sight he was, stepping off that bus and filing into the Gym to be greated by those that missed him. I was thankful the Lord chose to let him come home to his family.

I know so many families have lost loved ones...from the beginning of time. Mothers, and fathers, have lost their sons and daughters, brothers, sisters. That is something I can't begin to understand, yet every day I know that had Mary not lost her Son, I would not have eternal life. I wouldn't have even had the opportunity. For that I am ever grateful and blessed.

And speaking of celebrations, today was my dear friend, Jenny's, birthday. She was truly such a wonderful person and friend. But today she celebrated this birthday with Jesus. I can just imagine the celebration up in heaven. She was definitely full of life. I miss her. Yet, I know she is no longer sick and no longer in pain. I can't wait until the day I see her again and we can celebrate these birthdays - and all holidays - together again.

Celebrate life. Celebrate those in your life each and every day. We don't need a holiday or a birthday or even a special reason. The only reason we need is knowing that Jesus came and gave His life so we could have life. That is worth a celebration in our heart today and every day.

Below is one of my all time favorite praise and worship songs. May it bless you as well.

Celebrate Jesus celebrate
Celebrate Jesus celebrate
Celebrate Jesus celebrate
Celebrate Jesus celebrate
He is risen He is risen
And He lives forevermore
He is risen He is risen
Come on and celebrate
Come on and celebrate
Come on and celebrate
The resurrection of our Lord

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Today, on the way home from school, Master C and I were reading his library book. He chose a book on a higher reading level than he is at right now, so we got to read together. That's always special to me. I love hearing him read and learning new words every day.

However, this time I learned something new.

We were reading David and Goliath, based on 1 Samuel 17:1-51. As we were reading, he really hit on the part where David tells Goliath that he comes in the name of the Lord, and that the Lord will be with him. He started telling me all about how God is with you all the time and he knows that God is with him all the time too.

See, we are a family that unfortuntely [I guess - LOL] is afraid of the dark. Actually, I am scared of the dark and have unintentionally put that upon my children. I totally do not love it when we lose electricty. I refuse to sleep if it is at night, and if it goes off in the middle of the night, it wakes me up. I know instantly because all of my "comfort measures" are removed. Yes, I am one of those that sleeps with a fan and a tv on. Oh, a night light too. Horrible I know, but that is the way it is. I have been trying, and successfully I might add, to wean my children off of the tv at night when they sleep. I give them 30 minutes in bed, and the tv goes off, but the night light can stay on.

Well, today Master C informed me that this past week when his tv would just go off and his night light blew the bulb, that it was okay. I didn't even realize the night light didn't work. Anyway, he told me it was okay and that I didn't need to worry about replacing it. God was with him and he knew it would all be okay. My heart just swelled up. My little boy is growing up into a wonderful young man and it blesses me to know that he is trusting in the Lord. He talked and talked for about ten minutes about how God is with him here and there and in this and in that. And, if you have ever had a conversation with him, you know that his eyes just sparkle when he talks and his whole face smiles.

So, tonight - the little man went to bed with no tv or night light. Yes, he is growing up and teaching me, too.

God has said, Never will I leave you. Heb 13:5

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Friends and Jesus

No Not One

There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus
No, not one! No, not one!
None else could heal all our souls diseases
No, not one! No, not one!

Jesus knows all about our struggles
He will guide till the day is done
There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus
No, not one! No, not one!

No friend like Him is so high and holy
No, not one! No, not one!
And yet no friend is so meek and lowly
No, not one! No, not one!

Repeat Chorus

There's not an hour that He is not near us
No, not one! No, not one!
No night so dark but His love can cheer us
No, not one! No, not one!

Repeat Chorus

I heard this song on the radio this morning on my drive in to work. It really gave me pause and made me think about all the wonderful friends I have, and have had, in my life. There are those that are like sisters to me, and my sisters too, and those that have come and gone in different seasons. Those that make me smile and those that are there in my deepest, darkest times. Whether we have one good friend or several, they are important to us and who we are.

We sometimes wonder why the friends we had are no longer our friends. What did we do wrong? What did they do wrong? Sometimes we have a period where we take a break from each other and then reconnect.

I teach teenage girls at church on Wednesday nights. They are each very wonderful girls and the remind me of myself when I was their age. The struggles of becoming who they are and dealing with many issues, including the issue of friends: keeping them, losing them, being mad at each other one minute and best friends again the next. Three in particular are really struggling with their friendships with each other. I try to be not only a "teacher" but a "friend" to them as well. To help them through this awkward period and be there to listen if they need an ear and a shoulder. To let them know that no matter what, Jesus is their friend.

I have someone very close to me struggling with some personal issues. I wish I could be a better friend - be closer to this person in distance where I could be of more help and comfort. Friends are truly rare. There are very few that stick with you through the good times AND the bad times. I heard this song this morning and thought of this person. I pray they know - regardless of how much I can or can not do - Jesus is their friend and He can do it all.

When we feel like we don't have any friends, or a friend that will understand what we are going through, when it is so hard to go another minute of the day, we need to PRAISE THE LORD because we have Jesus. He truly is a friend like no one else. He is always there for us, near us. He never leaves us and loves us through whatever we are going through.

No, there is not one like Him. Jesus knows all about our struggles. He will guide till the day is done. No friend like Him is so high and holy. No friend is so meek and lowly. There's not an hour that He is not near us. No night so dark but His love can cheer us . There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus No, not one! No, not one!

We have Jesus, always and forever.

Monday, October 13, 2008


God has so blessed me with such wonderful children. My oldest son is 21 and in the Army, married and has two little precious children of his own. My middle son is only six, yet he acts so much older than he is. He loves to play outside and thinks school is the best thing ever [well, on most days]. LOL. My youngest, and finally a little girl, is three and is as active of a child I have had. She is non-stop movement from the get-go.

I miss my oldest very much - currently stationed in Lousiana. Yet, I am so very proud of him. His service and dedictation to his country and family is overwhelming. He does both so very well. I am so thankful for e-mail and cell phones. Technology may have its downfalls, but in my life - those are two of the best. Keeps him and his family so very close.

My middle child truly loves the Lord. He can tell you a Bible story like you have never heard. He is so animated and his eyes just positively sparkle. He memorizes his scripture verses and holds them so close. He is learning to read and is so eager to learn all those BIG words so he can read his Bible all by himself.

My youngest, my little princess, is in love with both her older brothers and so tries to keep up with both of them. And church, well she thinks she is to be there every single day. She wakes up asking if it is time to go to church..but she settles for pre-k. She still learns about God every day at school and that will satifsy her at times. Yet, so often she comes home ready to go to church for more.

Oh yes, God has blessed me with wonderful children. I am thankful for each and every one. I'm also so very thankful that they desire to know the Lord with all their heart, soul and mind. It's my prayer that God gives me the wisdom and knowledge to continue to train up my children in the way they should go, and when they is old they will not turn from it.

My little ones are off to slumber land as I write this, and I could sit and watch them all night. One has to fall asleep with the tv in the background and the other, well, she only falls asleep when she rubs her nose.

I could count blessings all night long. It has been such a struggle to get through today, but my heart overflows when I pause and think of all that I have been blessed with by such a loving Father.

I thank Him also for my loving husband, my family, those very special friends in my life that are there, sometimes even before I have even realized how much I needed them at that moment, my job, my fun-loving dogs that provide endless love and entertainment. Oh yes, there is plenty more, but for now I will stop.

Have you counted your blessings today? Good days or those days that are a little harder to get through never lay your head down at night without thanking our Heavenly Father for all that He has given you. Your days will be so much brighter and you slumber so much sweeter.

In His Love,


Saturday, October 11, 2008


Tonight was a sweet night. My niece is going to the homecoming dance with her "dream" date. They came by for me to see them before they left. Beautiful. She was absolutely beautiful with her hair and nails done - her beautiful sequined black dress.

I have watched her grow up and at 16, she has become such a beautiful young lady. She was absolutely glowing. She has spent so much time with me over the past couple of years - it is just like she is one of my own.

I had tears of joy in my eyes watching them leave. I pray that they have such a wonderful time. She still has so much growing up to do, but tonight, she was cinderella at the ball.