Friday, November 21, 2008

Passed and Legal

Today my niece passed her driver's test. She is now legal to drive all by herself now. [Please make note of this if you live in my little acre in God's country - LOL].

However, it started off in typical Miranda fashion. She did all she needed to do in preparation for this driving exam: practiced driving A LOT, took the driver's ed class online, kept track of her driving time. Oh yes, that's it...all that preparation and keeping track, she forgot one key element. That driver's log had to be notarized. So, guess who got a phone call waking her up from a fitful's night sleep? Uh, no...not you. Aunt Sherri...are you a notary? Yep, my sweet Miranda calling at the last minute. And, if that wasn't enough, when I went to pick her up to take a ride to get that paper notarized, she walked right out of her house without that very driver's log we needed to notarize. Think she was nervous??? No, not at all. Ha. Ha. And, though I did not love waking up, if I can really say that since I can't say I really slept, there is not one thing I wouldn't do for her.

I remember the day she got her learner's license. After a couple of tries, she nailed it. She was definitely one happy teenager. Mind you, I haven't seen an unhappy one once they got their license.

This beautiful young woman is so very dear to my heart. She has spent so much time with me over the past few years that she has truly blended and folded right in to our family that I have such a hard time remembering she isn't MY daughter. When she isn't here, I miss her terribly and so wish she was at my house all the time.

Getting her license is such a milestone and I am so proud of her. So then, why am I sad at the same time? I know that teenagers, even if she was my own, wouldn't be here all the time anyway. But, she isn't and therefore I do wonder - will she still come stay the night with me? How often will I see her? When she visits, will she stay and really visit?

Yes, I know. I am being selfish. Love isn't selfish. So, I am giving this all to the Lord. He knows how much I love her and how much she means to me. So does she. I know in my heart she will come visit and stay the night with me...but it won't be as often as it was before. And, yes, that is okay too. All children have to grow up and I am so pleased and proud to know she is growing into a responsible young person who has earned the privilege to drive.

I pray she is always safe.

I love you, Miranda!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

This morning, on our way in to school and work, Master C sang me the most beautiful song. Of course, I love the song Fingerprints of God, and by no means is Master C's version anything like the video above, however I must tell you that his version was straight from the heart and his own visual sights as we travelled into town.

He first started singing he could see the fingerprints of God in the trees, the sky, the fields, in the van, in him, and every family member and friend he could name. As he sang, he just kept adding too. Then, he'd stop and ask, "Mom, want me to sing it again?" and let me tell you, the verse would change or, maybe, he was just adding more verses.

Master C is not an acclaimed vocalist I assure you. Yet, the sound of his voice lifting up what he knows to be so awesome and wonderful totally got to me. I had a smile wider than all the oceans put together. And, by the way, you can see God's fingerprints in the ocean too!

Do you take time to see God's fingerprints around you? Take time to do that today. His fingerprints are all around us. And, for that I am so thankful. I am even more thankful for God to trust me with such a wonderful blonde headed little boy who is covered in God's fingerprints to continue to show me God's love in such amazing ways.

Friday, November 14, 2008

A sweet moment and a wonderful decision

Thursday night, November 13, 2008, my youngest son, Master C, accepted the Lord as his Savior and asked Christ to come into his heart. It was a such a sweet, tender moment. Lots of hugs and tears followed with even more praises being lifted up.

Since last year, really, Master C began wanting to ask Jesus into his heart and be baptized. So, I have tried to take the necessary time to make sure he really understands what he is wanting to do and make sure it is for all the right reasons and not because he just hears so much about it at school and church.

Today, He went before the church holding his daddy's hand and spoke to the pastor. He was so cute. I couldn't hear the conversation but he just nodded his head and his eyes sparkled. You could just see and feel the joy coming from him. They talked a bit and then the pastor prayed with Master C. When the Pastor turned him around and presented him to the church, Master C's eyes were misty. He got to stand at the front of the church and have his hand shook and received lots of hugs. Mom here, I just cried!

There is no greater JOY than having your child come to know and accept the Lord. I am blessed that two of mine have at this point and only one to go. I am confident the Princess will make her decision at the right time.

Thank you all for your prayers.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

We did it!!!

I haven't posted on here for a while and there is so much that I probably should have posted and shared. Just know, we haven't been slack or lazy - just busy.

Tonight, we finished reading the [Children's] Bible all the way through. This has been a wonderful accomplishment not only for me, but for Colin and Colleen. When I read the very last story tonight, about John's vision of the new Heaven, Colin had tears in his eyes. We just cried and laughed and are so thankful to God that we completed this goal. Next up, Colin has put in to read this Bible all the way through, all by himself. Please pray for him as he begins this journey. It's a big step for a six year old.

Prayer is something the Lord has truly began to burden my heart about. I have been reading and studying and really trying to learn the best way for ME to talk with God. We have prayertime every night before bed. God has blessed my heart hearing my children talk to Him. They are learning that it is important to have a relationship with the Lord and for them to know that He is always here for them.

Philippians 4:4-7 (The Message)
The Message (MSG)

Celebrate God all day, every day. I mean, revel in him! Make it as clear as you can to all you meet that you're on their side, working with them and not against them. Help them see that the Master is about to arrive. He could show up any minute! Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.