Friday, November 21, 2008

Passed and Legal

Today my niece passed her driver's test. She is now legal to drive all by herself now. [Please make note of this if you live in my little acre in God's country - LOL].

However, it started off in typical Miranda fashion. She did all she needed to do in preparation for this driving exam: practiced driving A LOT, took the driver's ed class online, kept track of her driving time. Oh yes, that's it...all that preparation and keeping track, she forgot one key element. That driver's log had to be notarized. So, guess who got a phone call waking her up from a fitful's night sleep? Uh, no...not you. Aunt Sherri...are you a notary? Yep, my sweet Miranda calling at the last minute. And, if that wasn't enough, when I went to pick her up to take a ride to get that paper notarized, she walked right out of her house without that very driver's log we needed to notarize. Think she was nervous??? No, not at all. Ha. Ha. And, though I did not love waking up, if I can really say that since I can't say I really slept, there is not one thing I wouldn't do for her.

I remember the day she got her learner's license. After a couple of tries, she nailed it. She was definitely one happy teenager. Mind you, I haven't seen an unhappy one once they got their license.

This beautiful young woman is so very dear to my heart. She has spent so much time with me over the past few years that she has truly blended and folded right in to our family that I have such a hard time remembering she isn't MY daughter. When she isn't here, I miss her terribly and so wish she was at my house all the time.

Getting her license is such a milestone and I am so proud of her. So then, why am I sad at the same time? I know that teenagers, even if she was my own, wouldn't be here all the time anyway. But, she isn't and therefore I do wonder - will she still come stay the night with me? How often will I see her? When she visits, will she stay and really visit?

Yes, I know. I am being selfish. Love isn't selfish. So, I am giving this all to the Lord. He knows how much I love her and how much she means to me. So does she. I know in my heart she will come visit and stay the night with me...but it won't be as often as it was before. And, yes, that is okay too. All children have to grow up and I am so pleased and proud to know she is growing into a responsible young person who has earned the privilege to drive.

I pray she is always safe.

I love you, Miranda!!

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