Tuesday, November 18, 2008

This morning, on our way in to school and work, Master C sang me the most beautiful song. Of course, I love the song Fingerprints of God, and by no means is Master C's version anything like the video above, however I must tell you that his version was straight from the heart and his own visual sights as we travelled into town.

He first started singing he could see the fingerprints of God in the trees, the sky, the fields, in the van, in him, and every family member and friend he could name. As he sang, he just kept adding too. Then, he'd stop and ask, "Mom, want me to sing it again?" and let me tell you, the verse would change or, maybe, he was just adding more verses.

Master C is not an acclaimed vocalist I assure you. Yet, the sound of his voice lifting up what he knows to be so awesome and wonderful totally got to me. I had a smile wider than all the oceans put together. And, by the way, you can see God's fingerprints in the ocean too!

Do you take time to see God's fingerprints around you? Take time to do that today. His fingerprints are all around us. And, for that I am so thankful. I am even more thankful for God to trust me with such a wonderful blonde headed little boy who is covered in God's fingerprints to continue to show me God's love in such amazing ways.

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